Ticket Price Research for Portugal and the EU

CheckMyBus analysis on five main bus routes in Portugal shows overall prices 41% cheaper compared with 2019

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Nuremberg, March 16, 2023 - CheckMyBus, the world's leading search engine for bus and coach travel and the content leader for bus tickets in Portugal, has published a unique look into changes in bus ticket prices for the top five main bus routes in the country.

This brief study was conducted utilizing CheckMyBus data on the top routes, overall prices, and user search behaviors in 2019, 2021, and 2022.
Price Comparison for Portugal 2019 to 2022
Here's what we found:
  • All five routes had a considerable decrease in the average annual ticket price in 2022 compared with 2019 (pre-COVID).
    Consumers are still experiencing lower prices three years later.
  • Four out of five routes had an increase in annual ticket price in 2022 compared with 2021. Only one route (Coimbra --> Porto) had the same annual ticket price in both years.
    Based on our observations, the price increase in 2022 remained relately low when compared with other markets in the same time period.
  • All five routes had an increase in competition, with more bus operators providing services on the selected routes.
    An increase in operators has a natural impact on the lowering of ticket prices. We observed this in Brazil for the same time period.

Competition has been steadliy increasing in Portugal due to the Portuguese bus market opening it’s national 'Express' service at the end of 2019, allowing more operators to compete on routes within the country. Also, a the global bus market’s shift toward digitization during the pandemic pushed the Portuguese market further, with large advancements in online ticket sales and new digital offerings.

Cost per kilometer is low in Portugal compared to other European markets.

Portugal has the lowest cost per kilometer for passengers when compared with main routes in other European markets. This lower cost per kilometer means travelers can enjoy lower overall prices on medium and long distance when compared with their European neighbors.

Price Comparison for Portugal 2019 to 2022

The data utilized in the analysis came from more than 4 million searches on our Portuguese domain (www.checkmybus.pt). The search analysis contained more than 24 road transportation companies in Portugal, which geographically covers the entire country.

The complete report can be downloaded here.

About CheckMyBus

The international bus ticket search engine, CheckMyBus, displays real time bus schedules and prices from more than 90 countries. With more than 3000 bus companies and millions of weekly departures available for search, CheckMyBus offers its users access to the world's largest online bus network.

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